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Côte d'Ivoire: Refurbished FPSOs and FSOs ready to sail to Eni's Whale field



Côte d'Ivoire : Les FPSO et FSO remis à neuf sont prêts à naviguer vers le gisement de Baleine d'Eni

The floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit Petrojarl Kong and the floating storage and offloading (FSO) vessel Yamoussoukro have reached the final stages of their modernization and conversion. These preparations mark a crucial stage prior to their mobilization to Côte d'Ivoire for phase 2 of Eni's Whale project.

Naming ceremony in Dubai

The naming ceremony for the units took place in Dubai, bringing together the project's key players: Eni, Petroci, Drydocks World and Altera Infrastructure. This event underlines the importance of the development of the Whale project and marks the start of phase 2, which builds on the success of phase 1.

Mobilization in Côte d'Ivoire

After just 12 months of on-site work, the refurbished units are about to set sail for Côte d'Ivoire. They will be anchored some 50 km off the coast, alongside the Baleine FPSO, operational since August 2023. Phase 2 is scheduled to start up in December 2024, increasing total production from the Baleine field to 60,000 barrels of oil per day and 70 million cubic feet of associated gas.

Development with zero net emissions

Thanks to the adoption of advanced technologies and cutting-edge initiatives, this project will be the first upstream development with zero net emissions (Scope 1 and 2) on the African continent. This initiative reflects Eni's commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Eni's presence in Côte d'Ivoire

Eni has been active in Côte d'Ivoire since 2015, with production of 22,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day and a stake in six deepwater blocks: CI-101, CI-205, CI-401, CI-501, CI-801 and CI-802. Eni, in partnership with Petroci Holding, is pursuing initiatives ranging from hydrocarbon production to vegetable oil production for biorefining.


Ship history

The Petrojarl Kong FPSO, formerly known as the Voyageur Spirit, operated on the Huntington field in the North Sea until 2020. The FSO Yamoussoukro, converted from the Altera Nordic Brasilia shuttle tanker, will provide additional storage capacity and oil export facilities on the Baleine field.

Operated by Altera Infrastructure

Altera Infrastructure will own and operate the two vessels, which will be deployed with a firm 15-year contract. Arne H. Tørnkvist, Executive Vice President of Projects at Altera Infrastructure, said, "The FPSO and FSO are nearing completion approximately 14 months after their arrival at the shipyard. Altera's FPSO and FSO projects have so far involved more than 8 million man-hours without lost-time accidents, and more than 10 million man-hours on the entire project. Our partnership and collaboration with Drydocks World, Eni and Petroci Holding have been absolutely essential to the successful completion of such a fast-paced project."

Eni's Baleine Phase 2 project represents a major development for the oil industry in Côte d'Ivoire, combining technological innovation and environmental commitment. The imminent mobilization of the Petrojarl Kong FPSO and the Yamoussoukro FSO marks a significant step forward, promising a substantial increase in the country's oil and gas production.

