There's no denying that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has severely disrupted global energy markets. This geopolitical confrontation led to the imposition of Western sanctions on...
Behind every discovery, final investment decision (FID) and first oil announcement on our continent are companies of all sizes, driving our industry forward...
At the 2023 Intra-African Trade Fair in Cairo, Egypt, one message resonates throughout the event: Africa must unite, prioritize...
Bp has left Yakaar-Teranga. That's what everyone knows at the moment. What the general public doesn't know, and deserves to know, is...
Nous pensons que l’approche actuelle de la conception, et de la mise en œuvre de plans et de partenariats de transition énergétique risque de compromettre les...
Les perspectives du pétrole africain en 2023 sont prometteuses. Le rapport « The State of African Energy Q1 2023 Report » fournit plusieurs informations essentielles sur la production...
Avec la baisse des investissements mondiaux dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier, le ministre d’État aux Ressources pétrolières, Chef Timipre Sylva, a réaffirmé la nécessité de...