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Niger: Sonatrach resumes its oil activities



Niger: Sonatrach resumes its oil activities

In a press release, the Sonatrach group announced the resumption of oil activities in Niger, following meetings in Niamey with the Nigerian oil company (Sonidep S.A.).

During a visit to Niger by a delegation led by the Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, ministerial meetings were held, including managers from Sonatrach and Sonidep S.A., at the end of which it was decided that Sonatrach subsidiary Sipex would resume work on the Kafra block, according to a mutually agreed schedule.

It was also agreed that the progress of the "Kafra" project would be monitored on a monthly basis by a joint monitoring committee, to ensure that the work was actually being carried out.

Areas of cooperation between Sonatrach and Sonidep S.A. were also identified, notably in the field of training and skills development, as well as the prospects for relaunching large-scale projects such as the TSGP trans-Saharan pipeline project, according to the press release.

"This meeting represents a valuable opportunity for the parties to strengthen their bilateral relationship and foster the sustainable development of the oil and gas industry, on a regional scale while working together towards common goals," concludes the document, APS reports.


As a reminder, the Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, paid a working visit to Niger on August 6 and 7, accompanied by Sonatrach CEO Rachid Hachichi and executives from the Ministry and the public group.

