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Senegal and Qatar: Towards strategic collaboration in the energy sector



Le Qatar et le Sénégal : Vers une collaboration stratégique dans le secteur de l'énergie

Qatar and Senegal recently entered into promising discussions aimed at strengthening their collaboration in the energy sector. This initiative is based on shared interests in the development of global natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG). This partnership could mark a significant step forward in the international energy landscape, particularly for Senegal as it prepares to become a major player in the gas market.

Bilateral meeting in Doha

Last week, a key meeting took place in Doha between Senegal's Minister of Energy, Oil and Mines, Birame Souleye Diop, and his Qatari counterpart, Saad bin Sherida al Kaabi. The main aim of the meeting was to explore opportunities for expanding bilateral partnerships in the energy sector. Discussions focused on a number of strategic areas, including the development of gas resources and energy infrastructure.

Senegal: An emerging gas player

Senegal is in the midst of preparations to produce its first natural gas from the Grand Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) offshore gas development. The project, jointly operated by BP and shared with neighboring Mauritania, is scheduled to go into production in the third quarter of 2024. This gas is destined for both domestic consumption and export, which is a crucial milestone for Senegal.

Infrastructure and energy conversion

To maximize the use of this new gas, Senegal plans to create a national network of gas pipelines. At the same time, the country plans to convert its coal- and oil-fired power plants to gas. These initiatives aim not only to strengthen the country's energy independence, but also to reduce carbon emissions, in line with global sustainable development goals.

Qatar: An LNG giant

Qatar is a key player on the global energy scene, holding 11% of the world's proven gas reserves and over 30% of the Middle East's reserves. State-owned oil company QatarEnergy is the world's largest LNG producer, with an annual output of 77 million tonnes.


Regional Expansion

In 2023, QatarEnergy acquired Shell's 40% stake in Block C-10 offshore Mauritania. This acquisition underlines Qatar's growing interest in the MSGBC region (Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau and Guinea-Conakry), strengthening its strategic position and influence in the global gas market.

Prospects for collaboration

Collaboration between Qatar and Senegal could offer many advantages. For Senegal, benefiting from Qatari expertise in gas production and management could accelerate the implementation of its energy projects. In return, Qatar could consolidate its presence in West Africa, a region rich in natural resources and energy development opportunities.

The meeting between the Energy Ministers of Qatar and Senegal marks the start of a potentially fruitful collaboration in the energy sector. With ambitious projects and considerable resources, these two nations could not only strengthen their position in the global gas market, but also make a significant contribution to the global energy transition. The outcome of these discussions will be closely watched by international observers, as the world of energy continues to evolve towards cleaner, more sustainable sources.

