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Nigeria: Dangote refinery launches test phase



Nigeria : la raffinerie Dangote lance sa phase d'essai

The Dangote oil refinery will produce 650,000 barrels a day, helping to solve Nigeria's energy supply crisis.

For its test phase, which will begin in December, the national oil company has announced a delivery of 200,000 barrels per day over one year, according to an agreement. Deliveries will continue until its total capacity of almost 650,000 is reached.

The refinery began its commissioning process in May, after years of delay, at a total cost of $19 billion.

Nigeria currently imports over 80% of its refined petroleum products. With this refinery, the country should be able to fully meet its needs, estimated at 72 million liters of gasoline a day.

In addition to eliminating dependence on imports, the Dangote refinery can potentially reduce Nigeria's dependence on crude oil exports, as more crude oil will be refined in the country.


