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Senegal - Mauritania: GTA start-up could be postponed to the second quarter of 2024, according to Kosmos Energy



Sénégal - Mauritanie : Le démarrage de GTA pourrait être reporté au deuxième trimestre 2024, selon Kosmos Energy

Kosmos Energy indicated that the start-up of the BP-operated Greater Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) gas project, offshore Senegal and Mauritania, could be in the second quarter of 2024.

BP declared last week that the project was completed at 90 % and that it should start production in the first quarter, a little later than originally planned, after BP replaced the contractor for its subsea pipeline system.

The floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel for the GTA project is en route to the field and is expected to arrive in the first quarter of next year, Kosmos said in its third-quarter results.

Kosmos has stated that the timetable for production start-up now depends on the arrival, connection and commissioning of the FPSO and the floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility.

"Delivery of the first gas in the first quarter of 2024... depends on the execution of this worksite, which has the potential to slip into the second quarter of 2024."

BP a refusé de commenter cette éventuelle mise à jour. BP détient une participation de 56 % dans le projet GTA, tandis que Kosmos en détient 26,8 %. La phase 1 du projet produira 2,5 millions de tonnes par an de GNL.


