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The energy transition: A new era of opportunity



La transition énergétique : une nouvelle ère d’opportunités

In a context where energy is the fundamental pillar of organizational activities, the imminent energy transition is emerging as a major catalyst for transformation.

North Americans have long enjoyed a stable, cost-effective energy supply, often taken for granted. However, the coming decade promises unprecedented changes in the energy landscape, ushering in an era of profound transformation.

This evolution, referred to as the "energy transition", goes beyond a simple switch from fossil fuels to renewable sources; it aims to embrace a future where sustainability and innovation lead the way. It's a journey towards "net zero", where the balance between energy consumption and emissions produced is achieved. A global momentum is building towards this transition, conscious of the imperatives of climate change and the need for urgent action.

Despite the crucial importance of this transition, many organizations seem to be caught off guard. This is surprising, given the early signs of importance, which are having a significant impact on both financial and environmental aspects. The energy transition is tantamount to an industrial revolution, reshaping industries and economies on a scale rarely seen.

Accepting change

The key to success in this new era lies in preparation. Organizations that adapt their products and operations to reduce their carbon footprint will not only benefit the planet, but also discover new horizons for growth and profitability. Strategic planning is essential, as is a proactive approach to adjusting to the changing energy supply landscape and remaining competitive.


However, the road to transformation is not without its challenges. Despite years of discussion, many efforts to address energy issues have proved superficial at best. The real obstacle lies in a widespread lack of understanding and commitment to the deep systemic changes required.

The real challenge

The root of the problem lies in a widespread underestimation of the complexity of energy dynamics. A common misconception suggests that a single technological advance could solve our energy problems. In reality, a comprehensive strategy is needed, incorporating not only technology but also behavioral change and political reform. In the meantime, some are resorting to carbon offsets as a temporary solution, a stop-gap measure that is no substitute for genuine transformation.

Often, responsibility is assigned to a few individuals placed in ESG positions, but without the experience or resources to bring about significant change. Conversely, experienced professionals recognize that true transformation requires the integration of knowledge and responsibility across all business units. The project is stalled because they don't know how to do it effectively.

A roadmap for the future

For organizations ready to take the lead in this new landscape, three key actions are crucial:

  • Recognize energy and carbon as key assets requiring strategic management, like financial assets.
  • Develop sound management practices for energy and emissions, fully integrating them into operations like any other critical business function.
  • Foster inclusive commitment: the energy transition is a collective undertaking requiring the active participation of senior management and collaboration between different departments to identify and implement effective strategies.

The road ahead lies not only in avoiding risks, but also in seizing new opportunities. Organizations can succeed in this transition by adopting a holistic approach to energy management and fostering a culture of innovation and responsibility.

The future of energy is not a distant concern; it's an immediate opportunity. At the dawn of this new era, the time has come to act together. Let's rise to the challenge and shape a sustainable, prosperous future for all.


